path: root/repodata/primary.xml.gz
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2007-11-21Latest kernel and latest libertas firmware for update1.Auto Mock
2007-11-20Latest ohm to update1 (trac #5043).Auto Mock
2007-11-20Tag latest kernel for update1. (trac #5045)Auto Mock
2007-11-19Remove robot101's loudmath, telepathy-gabble, and telepathy-salut packages, w...Auto Mock
2007-11-19Manually add the latest kernel and libertas packages to update.1.Auto Mock
2007-11-19Collect from latest joyride for update-1.Auto Mock
2007-11-10Add missing libX11-devel to fix buildroot.Auto Mock
2007-11-10Add some missing SRPMS.Auto Mock
2007-11-10Update buildsys-build and buildsys-macros packages.Auto Mock
2007-11-10Add missing glibc-devel package, which ought to allow us to construct a prope...Auto Mock
2007-11-09Current pull from joyride.Auto Mock